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Título: Maltitol: Analytical determination methods, applications in the food industry, metabolism and health impacts
Autores/as: Saraiva, Ariana
Carrascosa Iruzubieta, Conrado Javier 
Raheem, Dele
Ramos, Fernando
Raposo, António
Clasificación UNESCO: 3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Food Additives
Food Industry
Food Safety
Health Impacts
Maltitol, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Resumen: Bulk sweetener maltitol belongs to the polyols family and there have been several dietary applications in the past few years, during which the food industry has used it in many food products: bakery and dairy products, chocolate, sweets. This review paper addresses and discusses in detail the most relevant aspects concerning the analytical methods employed to determine maltitol’s food safety and industry applications, its metabolism and its impacts on human health. According to our main research outcome, we can assume that maltitol at lower doses poses little risk to humans and is a good alternative to using sucrose. However, it causes diarrhoea and foetus complications at high doses. Regarding its determination, high-performance liquid chromatography proved the primary method in various food matrices. The future role of maltitol in the food industry is likely to become more relevant as processors seek alternative sweeteners in product formulation without compromising health.
ISSN: 1661-7827
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17145227
Fuente: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [ISSN 1661-7827], v. 17 (14), 5227, (Julio 2020)
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