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Título: Data-Analysis Prior To A Circulation Model In Gran-Canaria
Autores/as: Pérez-Martell, Esther 
Alejo Bocanegra, M
Tejedor Alvarez, B
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
Fecha de publicación: 1990
Publicación seriada: Cybernetics and Systems 
Resumen: The use or numerical models in physical oceanography, with the aim of reproducing and predicting water movements, is a common practice, especially for coastal areas. Nevertheless, results will be accurate only if the assumptions are appropriate and include all significant characteristics of the domain under modeling. Twodimensional models are often used for shallow-water areas, but the implicit assumptions of conservation of a characteristic vertical profile for the horizontal velocities all over the domain and negligible vertical circulation must be exhaustively checked. Here a case is presented in which two-dimensionality would have led to inaccurate results, as the analysis of the field data showed a three-layer behavior. This case concerns the eastern coast of Gran Canaria island (Canary Islands) and illustrates how mathematical models will describe the phenomena they try to represent correctly only if all assumptions are right.
ISSN: 0196-9722
DOI: 10.1080/01969729008902243
Fuente: Cybernetics And Systems [ISSN 0196-9722], v. 21 (2-3), p. 311-317, (Marzo-Junio 1990)
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