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Title: International Marine Cargo Insurance: Building generic and thematic competences in commercial translation
Authors: Socorro Trujillo, María Karina 
UNESCO Clasification: 570112 Traducción
5701 Lingüística aplicada
Keywords: Genre Analysis
Marine Cargo Insurance
Commercial Translation
Thematic Competence
Generic Competence, et al
Issue Date: 2019
Journal: Journal of Specialised Translation 
Abstract: This article highlights the importance of generic and thematic competences when translating commercial texts. It focuses specifically on the relevant theoretical framework for international marine cargo insurance and the genres produced within any claim procedure. The aim is to inform translators about the situational context and the documents involved when loss or damage to goods is incurred, and thus enable a greater command of the subject matter and tenor of discourse. Also highlighted is the importance of understanding the standardisation of words or expressions used in International Trade and Maritime Law with English as the lingua franca, together with the need to apply the correct translation strategies for the final purpose of the translation.
ISSN: 1740-357X
Source: Journal Of Specialised Translation [ISSN 1740-357X], n. 32, p. 262-279, (Julio 2019)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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