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Title: Oil platforms as introduction vector of non-native marine fish species to the Canary Islands waters (central-eastern Atlantic)
Authors: Triay Portella, Raül 
González Pajuelo, José Mario 
González Pérez, José Antonio 
Martín García, Jose Antonio 
Ruiz-Díaz, Raquel
Lorenzo Nespereira, José María 
Luque Escalona, Ángel 
UNESCO Clasification: 240114-4 Taxonomía animal. Peces
310510 Dinámica de las poblaciones
Keywords: Alien species
Non indigenous species
Oil rigs
Input vector
Canary Islands
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: Frontiers in Marine Science 
Conference: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies (SIEBM 2016) 
Abstract: This work documents the introduction of non-native fish species to the Canary Islands (central-eastern Atlantic) through oil rigs. Methodological approaches have included surveys by underwater visual censuses around and under oil platforms and along the docking area of rigs at the Port of Las Palmas. Eleven non-native fish species were registered. Paranthias furcifer, Abudefduf hoefleri, Acanthurus bahianus, Acanthurus chirurgus, and Acanthurus coeruleus are first recorded from the Canaries herein. Other three species could not be identified, although they have never been observed in the Canaries. Cephalopholis taeniops, Abudefduf saxatilis, and Acanthurus monroviae had been previously recorded. Native areas of these species coincide with the areas of origin and the scale of oil rigs with destination the Port of Las Palmas. The absence of native species in the censuses at rigs and their presence at rigs docking area, together with the observation of non-native species after the departure of platforms, reject the possibility that these non-native species were already present in the area introduced by another vector. C. taeniops, A. hoefleri, A. saxatilis, A. chirurgus, A. coeruleus and A. monroviae are clearly seafarer species. A. bahianus seems to be a potential seafarer species. P. furcifer is a castaway species. For themoment, the number of individuals of the non-native species in marine ecosystems of the Canaries seems to be low, and more investigation is needed for controlling these translocations.
ISSN: 2296-7745
DOI: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00020
Source: Frontiers in marine science [ISSN 2296-7745], Conference Abstract: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies
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