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Title: Application of genetic algorithms in the design of a methodology to optimize the management of overbooking in the tourist sector
Authors: Winter Althaus, Gabriel 
Berriel Martínez, R.
Gil-Padilla, Antonia M. 
Gutierrez Rodríguez, V.
Sánchez Berriel, I.
UNESCO Clasification: 1207 Investigación operativa
1206 Análisis numérico
531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Issue Date: 2000
Journal: Modelling, Measurement & Control D: Manufacturing, Management, Human & Socio-Economic Problems 
Abstract: In this research we deal with a mathematic model based on the Genetic Algorithms that permit us to optimize the problems originated by overbooking phenomena, in the lodging tourist business. With the model we are trying to support that business to minimize the cost generated as a consequence of overbooking situations and optimize the relodging of clients to other establishments. The propose that we formulate permits us to assign, in a optimum way, each guest to an establishment.
ISSN: 1240-4551
Source: Modelling, Measurement and Control D,v. 21 (3-4), p. 27-36, (Diciembre 2000)
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