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Title: Migrant Caregivers of Older People in Spain: Qualitative Insights into Relatives’ Experiences
Authors: Morales Gázquez, María José 
Medina Artiles, Epifania Natalia 
López-Liria, Remedios
Aguilar-Parra, José Manuel
Trigueros-Ramos, Rubén
González-Bernal, Jerónimo J.
Rocamora-Pérez, Patricia
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
Keywords: Caregiver
Older adults
Experiences, et al
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Abstract: Abstract: The traditional structure of families is undergoing profound changes, causing the so-called “crisis of family care.” This study describes the experiences and emotions of the family member who hires migrant caregivers for the older people. This is a qualitative study using a phenomenological design with nine women participants between 53 and 72 years of age. The data collection was carried out through two in-depth interviews and a focus group. There were three major topics: (1) the women in this study recognized that they were not able to take care of the family member directly, due to their responsibilities as female workers and mothers. The fact that migrant caregivers were chosen was conjunctural, where economic reasons were more important. (2) The family members supported the caregivers by teaching themabout care and also resolving conflicts produced by culture shock. (3) Trusting the caregiver was a gradual process; the family members felt a complex set of emotions (insecurity, gratitude for the help, moral obligation). In conclusion, they wanted a caregiver who would provide the elder dependent with the love and compassion that they, as daughters, would provide if they had time to do so. The family became the caregiver’s managers and assumed the responsibility of training and helping them.
ISSN: 1660-4601
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17082953
Source: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [ISSN 1660-4601], v. 17 (8), 2953 (Abril 2020)
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