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Título: Wind potential availability for the production of hydrogen in the Canary archipelago
Autores/as: García Latorre, Francisco Javier 
Gómez Gotor, Antonio 
Perdomo Machín, M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 332203 Generadores de energía
Palabras clave: Wind-generated electricity
Fecha de publicación: 1998
Proyectos: Proceedingsofthe12thWorldHydrogenEnergyConferenceBuenosAires,Argentina
Conferencia: 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference 
Resumen: The electricity grid in the Canary Islands is composed of six separate, isolated systems of low capacity. This imposes severe limits upon the contribution of wind-generated electricity to grid consumption limits which are far below the high wind power availability of the islands and which have led to increasing utilization of wind power for non-grid uses such as pumping water desalination or the production of hydrogen. The island of Gran Canaria poses a classic example of the limitations faced in the Canary system. Its conventional installed power is of 650 MW, limiting wind power contributions to 120 MW. The island possesses, on the other hand a wind power availability of 250 MW. Hydrogen production would be an adequate means of harnessing part of this available wind power. The objective of this article is, therefore, to present the evolution of the available wind potential which could be utilized for the production of hydrogen in the Canary Islands.
ISBN: 987-97075-3-2
Fuente: HYProceedings of the 12th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (Buenos Aires,Argentina), Vols 1-3, p. 307-312, (1998)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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