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Título: Erratum to “First description of two moderately halophilic and psychrotolerant Mycoplasma species isolated from cephalopods and proposal of Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarod is sp. nov” [Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 42 (2019) 457-467](S0723202019300335)(10.1016/j.syapm.2019.04.003)
Autores/as: Ramírez Corbera, Ana Sofía 
Vega-Orellana, Orestes M.
Viver, Tomeu
Poveda Guerrero, José Bismarck 
Rosales Santana, Rubén Sebastián 
Poveda Turrado, Carlos Guillermo 
Spergser, Joachim
Szostak, Michael P.
Caballero Cansino, María José 
Ressel, Lorenzo
Bradbury, Janet M.
Tavío Pérez, María del Mar 
Karthikeyan, Smruthi
Amann, Rudolf
Konstantinidis, Konstantinos T.
Rosselló-Móra, Ramon
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
240119 Zoología marina
Palabras clave: Mycoplasma species
Mycoplasma sp. nov.
Octopus vulgaris, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Systematic and Applied Microbiology 
Resumen: The publisher regrets the printing errors that occurred during the production process. The printing errors comprise of the incorrect representation of the type strain of DSMZ as ‘DSM105,488’ instead of ‘DSM105488’ throughout the article and in the Protologue table. The printing errors have no effect on the results. The correct Protologue table can be found below. The publisher would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused. Table: Description of Mycoplasma marinum sp. nov. and Mycoplasma todarodis sp. nov. [Table presented]
ISSN: 0723-2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.syapm.2019.126027
Fuente: Systematic and Applied Microbiology [ISSN 0723-2020], v. 43 (1), 126027
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