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Título: Suicide Coverage in the Digital Press Media: Adherence to World Health Organization Guidelines and Effectiveness of Different Interventions Aimed at Media Professionals
Autores/as: Acosta, Francisco J. 
Rodríguez, Carlos J.
Cejas, María R.
Ramallo Fariña, Yolanda 
Fernandez-Garcimartin, Helena
Clasificación UNESCO: 320105 Psicología clínica
3211 Psiquiatría
Palabras clave: Suicide
Digital press
World Health Organization
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Health Communication 
Resumen: This study evaluated the characteristics of suicide news articles in the digital press, their adherence to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, and the effectiveness of interventions. We assessed adherence, avoidability, frequency and typology of suicide news over a six-month period in the four main digital media outlets of the Canary Islands (Spain). A brief training and information package intervention to the Canary Islands media outlets was carried out. We compared the quality of media reporting at both the pre-intervention and post-intervention timepoints, and compared the quality of reporting at the post-intervention timepoint in Victoria (Australia), where media interventions have been well-resourced and running for several years. We evaluated 339 suicide news articles: 38 from the pre-intervention period, 64 from the post-intervention period, and 237 from Victoria. News articles showed a very low degree of adherence to WHO recommendations, especially to those recommendations thought to have a protective effect. Post-intervention news articles showed better adherence than pre-intervention ones, but lower than those of Victoria, where constant interventions have been developed for years. We conclude that adherence to WHO recommendations is low. Simple interventions aimed at media professionals can improve adherence. However, constant and complex interventions seem to be more effective.
ISSN: 1041-0236
DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2019.1654176
Fuente: Health Communication [ISSN 1041-0236], v. 35(13), p. 1623-1632
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