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Título: Analysis of a lead-acid battery storage system connected to the DC bus of a four quadrants converter to a microgrid
Autores/as: Rocha-Henríquez, A. F.J.
Cabrera Peña, B. J.M.
Aguasca Colomo, Ricardo 
Méndez Babey, Máximo 
Rivera-Rodríguez, E. P.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
332202 Generación de energía
Palabras clave: Back-To-Back Converter
Microgrid And Modelling Lead-Acid Batteries
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Renewable energy and power quality journal 
Resumen: The main problem found in the implementation of small microgrids where consumption is based on a certain number of loads (8,326,369 KWh total in the Canary Islands in 2017) [1] is the great variability of obtaining energy (361,1 MWh total in 2017) from renewable sources, the most important in the Canary Islands being wind and photovoltaic [2]. For these microgrids to be feasible and their power flows to be as constant as possible they must contain storage means, so that this energy can be used to stabilize the microgrid by compensating the irregularities of renewable energy sources [3], using them to perform regulation of voltage and frequency. In this sense, the batteries degrade very quickly when having to perform this type of highly dynamic efforts. The purpose of this paper is to make a model of lead-acid battery and investigate the possibilities of application that the use of these batteries could have in the field of renewable energy. Specifically in the simulation of power electronics and control of back-to-back converters that allows to analyze, in different ranges of applications in a microgrid system of Pozo Izquierdo, where the following measurements have been made.
ISSN: 2172-038X
DOI: 10.24084/repqj17.249
Fuente: Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, [ISSN 2172-038X], v. 17, p. 151-154
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