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Title: Robert Barret's Glossary of military terms in the theorike and practike of moderne warres
Authors: Acosta Perdomo, Alcibiades
Director: Rodríguez Álvarez, Alicia 
UNESCO Clasification: 570503 Lexicografía
Keywords: Guerra-Diccionarios y enciclopedias
Inglés (Lengua)-Lexicografía
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: The present study presents an analysis of the glossary of military terms appended to Robert Barret’s The Theorike and Practike of Moderne Warres (1598). This analysis aims, first, to identify the singularity of Barret’s glossary by comparing it with contemporary lexicographical works; and, second, to gauge the innovative nature of Barret’s entries by checking their first occurrences in the English language. The results will show Barret’s contribution to the history of English lexicography.
Description: Grado en Lenguas Modernas
Department: Departamento de Filología Moderna
Faculty: Facultad de Filología
Degree: Grado en Lenguas Modernas
Rights: Acceso restringido para la comunidad universitaria de la ULPGC
Appears in Collections:Trabajo final de grado
Restringido ULPGC

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