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Title: Multi-frequency and light-avoiding characteristics of deep acoustic layers in the North Atlantic
Authors: Peña, Marian
Cabrera-Gámez, Jorge 
Domínguez-Brito, Antonio C. 
UNESCO Clasification: 251011 Acústica submarina
120325 Diseño de sistemas sensores
Keywords: Artificial light
Frequency response
Migration, et al
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: Marine Environmental Research 
Abstract: This study aimed to add light-avoidance as a categorizing technique for the study of mesopelagic acoustic layers. Data recorded along the 20° W parallel from 20° N to Iceland showed three types of mesopelagic layers: the non-avoiding non-migrant deep scattering layer (NMDSL), which dropped its intensity toward the north, the avoiding migrating fish layers (MDSL), which were more intense at upwelling areas and toward the north, and a secondary deeper NMDSL at the southern part. Light avoidance was only discernible at 18 kHz within the main NMDSL when this layer was intense, suggesting that migrants are barely seen at 38 kHz when other resonant scatterers occupy these depths. These results highlight the importance of employing the 18 kHz frequency from a vessel borne echosounder or lowered echosounders attached to a probe to study gas-bearing migrants.
ISSN: 0141-1136
DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2019.104842
Source: Marine Environmental Research [ISSN 0141-1136], n. 154, 104842, (Febrero 2020)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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