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Título: Harina de erizo de mar (Diadema antillarum) com ingrediente alternativo en piensos para bocinegro (Pagrus pagrus): efecto sobre el crecimiento y utilización de la dieta
Autores/as: García Romero, Josefa
Haroun, Ricardo 
Izquierdo, Marisol 
Robaina, L.
Kalinowski Herrera, Carmen Tatiana
Badilla, Rodrigo
Fernandez-Palacios, H. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310502 Piscicultura
251092 Acuicultura marina
Palabras clave: Bocinegro:Cría y explotación
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Resumen: The effect of dietary inclusion of sea urchin meal (Diadema antillarum) on growth and feed utilization was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus) of 208g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C); urchin meal was included at 8% and 16% dietary levels (EM8 and EM16). Compared to the control diet higher values for absolute and relative final weight and SGR were obtained either for fish fed EM8 and EM16 diets; for the latter diets values for FCR and final HSI were significantly smaller respect to those for the control diets. No differences were found among diets for the total feed intake, VSI and K factor. Obtained results indicate the suitability of the sea urchin meal as alternative ingredient in diets for the red porgy, improving fish growth and feed utilization. More studies are being done at the moment in red porgy and other fish species in order to better determine the optimum dietary levels taking into account other important culture and quality parameters.
Fuente: XII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura, Madrid 24-26, Noviembre 2009
Derechos: by-nc-nd
Colección:Póster de congreso
Poster Congreso Acuicultura (2009)
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