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Title: Thermal, physical and mechanical characterization of volcanic tuff masonries for the restoration of historic buildings
Authors: Barbero-Barrera, M. M.
Flores Medina, Nelson 
Moreno-Fernandez, E.
UNESCO Clasification: 3312 Tecnología de materiales
Keywords: Edificios históricos
Canary Islands
Volcanic, et al
Issue Date: 2019
Journal: Materiales de Construccion 
Abstract: An in-depth knowledge of building materials is essential in order to preserve them. Tuffs are one of the main types volcanic rocks in the Canary Islands. They are mainly used in masonry or as a filler of the ornamental parts of the facades. In both cases, they have been protected to guarantee their durability. However, in recent years, the renderings have been eliminated and the stone has been exposed to the elements. In this paper, two types of Canary-Island volcanic tuffs were characterized from a physical and mechanical point of view as well as their energy conservation, in order to better understand their behaviour and analyze the criteria for preserving them. Thermal conductivity and fluxes increase 2-3 times in wet conditions, as compared to dry ones. This, together with their high porosity demands the use of renderings to avoid stone decay, and at the same time improving living conditions.
ISSN: 0465-2746
DOI: 10.3989/mc.2019.12917
Source: Materiales de Construcción [ISSN 0465-2746], v. 69, n. 333, (Enero-Marzo 2019)
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