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Título: Risk assessment of the exposure to mycotoxins in dogs and cats through the consumption of commercial dry food
Autores/as: Macías Montes, Ana 
Rial-Berriel, Cristian 
Acosta Dacal, Andrea C. 
Henríquez-Hernández, Luis Alberto 
Almeida-González, Maira 
Rodríguez-Hernández, Ángel 
Zumbado Peña, Manuel Luis 
Domínguez Boada, Luis María 
Zaccaroni, Annalisa
Luzardo, Octavio P. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3214 Toxicología
Palabras clave: Aflatoxins
Fumonisins, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Science of the Total Environment 
Resumen: Dry feed for dogs and cats sold in Europe are mostly formulated with cereals and cereal by-products, so the contamination of this food with mycotoxins represents a potential risk for these pets. We analyzed a representation of the best-selling feed brands in Spain. The presence of Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, and G2), Ochratoxin A, T-2 and HT-2 toxins, Deoxynivalenol, Zearalenone, and Fumonisins (B1 and B2) was quantified, using immunoaffinity columns and LC-MS/MS. In general, mycotoxins were frequently and simultaneously (6–11) detected, with AFB1, FB1, FB2, Deoxynivalenol, and HT-2 detected in 100% of the samples. However, the concentrations of most of them are among the lowest reported so far. Fumonisins were the exception since we report the highest concentrations to date, particularly in cat feed. We practically found no significant differences in the level of mycotoxin contamination in relation to the presumed quality of the feed. We also calculated the daily exposure, and evaluated the acute and chronic health risk posed by these feeds. None of the brands analyzed presented acute risk for any of the mycotoxins. However, the high levels of fumonisins found in some samples could become problematic, if there are hidden forms of them. This is also evident in relation to long-term risk, since in the case of fumonisins the level of exposure exceeds the tolerable daily intake level in 3.5 and 12 times, for dogs and cats respectively. The exposure levels to zearalenone and deoxynivalenol could also be of long-term concern, especially considering the possibility that the continuous exposure to several mycotoxins simultaneously might produce potentiated toxic effects as a result of their synergistic action. Further research on the potential adverse health effects deriving from chronic exposure to low doses of multi-mycotoxin mixtures in pets is needed.
ISSN: 0048-9697
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134592
Fuente: Science of the Total Environment [ISSN 0048-9697], v. 708: 134592 (Marzo 2020)
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