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Título: A single dose of the mango leaf extract zynamite® in combination with quercetin enhances peak power output during repeated sprint exercise in men and women
Autores/as: Gelabert Rebato, Miriam 
Martin Rincon, Marcos 
Galvan Alvarez, Victor 
Gallego Selles, Ángel 
Martinez-Canton, Miriam
Vega-Morales, Tanausú
Wiebe, Julia C.
Castillo, Constanza Fernandez Del
Castilla-Hernandez, Elizabeth
Diaz-Tiberio, Oriana
López Calbet, José Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Ergogenic aids
High-intensity exercise
Reperfusion, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Nutrients 
Resumen: The mango leaf extract rich in mangiferin Zynamite® improves exercise performance when combined with luteolin or quercetin ingested at least 48 h prior to exercise. To determine whether a single dose of Zynamite® administered 1 h before exercise increases repeated-sprint performance, 20 men and 20 women who were physically active were randomly assigned to three treatments following a double-blind cross-over counterbalanced design. Treatment A, 140 mg of Zynamite®, 140 mg of quercetin, 147.7 mg of maltodextrin, and 420 mg of sunflower lecithin; Treatment B, 140 mg of Zynamite®, 140 mg of quercetin, and 2126 mg of maltodextrin and Treatment C, 2548 mg of maltodextrin (placebo). Subjects performed three Wingate tests interspaced by 4 min and a final 15 s sprint after ischemia. Treatments A and B improved peak power output during the first three Wingates by 2.8% and 3.8%, respectively (treatment x sprint interaction, p = 0.01). Vastus Lateralis oxygenation (NIRS) was reduced, indicating higher O2 extraction (treatment × sprint interaction, p = 0.01). Improved O2 extraction was observed in the sprints after ischemia (p = 0.008; placebo vs. mean of treatments A and B). Blood lactate concentration was 5.9% lower after the ingestion of Zynamite®with quercetin in men (treatment by sex interaction, p = 0.049). There was a higher Vastus Lateralis O2 extraction during 60 s ischemia with polyphenols (treatment effect, p = 0.03), due to the greater muscle VO2 in men (p = 0.001). In conclusion, a single dose of Zynamite® combined with quercetin one hour before exercise improves repeated-sprint performance and muscle O2 extraction and mitochondrial O2. consumption during ischemia. No advantage was obtained from the addition of phospholipids.
ISSN: 2072-6643
DOI: 10.3390/nu11112592
Fuente: Nutrients [ISSN 2072-6643], v. 11 (11), 2592
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