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Title: Aplicaciones del primer tiempo de paso a problemas de contaminación marina
Authors: Pacheco Castelao, José Miguel 
Rodríguez Mielgo, César 
Fernández de la Nuez, Isabel 
Padilla León, Isabel 
UNESCO Clasification: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Issue Date: 1989
Abstract: In this paper, it is analyzed the evolution of a particle suspended in the ocean under the combined effect of advection and diffusion. Thus,we consider the problem of computinq the earlies time at which a particle leaves a region R with boundary r and the probability of exit throuqh a particular area of r.
ISBN: 84-7756-241-5
Source: XIV jornadas hispano-Lusas de matemáticas, p. 1005-1010
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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