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Title: Daccosim NG: co-simulation made simpler and faster
Authors: Evora Gomez,Jose 
Hernández Cabrera, José Juan 
Tavella, Jean-Philippe
Vialle, Stéphane
Kremers, Enrique
Frayssinet, Loïc
UNESCO Clasification: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Keywords: Co-simulation tool
Multithreaded execution
Master algorithm
FMI standard
Energy system, et al
Issue Date: 2019
Journal: Linköping electronic conference proceedings 
Abstract: This paper introduces the last evolution of Daccosim co-simulation environment, with Daccosim NG developed in 2018. Main features of Daccosim NG are described: en-hanced Graphic User Interface and Command-Line In-terface, algorithm and mechanism of co-simulation, co-execution shell, software architecture designed for bothcentralised and distributed architectures, aggregation of aco-simulation graph into a Matryoshka FMU, and declar-ative language to design large scale co-simulation graphs.A new industrial use case in simulation of energetic sys-tems is also introduced, and first performances of Dac-cosim NG on multi-core architectures are analysed.
ISBN: 978-91-7685-122-7
ISSN: 1650-3686
DOI: 10.3384/ecp19157785
Source: Proceedings of the 13th International Modelica Conference, Regensburg, Germany, March 4–6, 2019, v. 157, p. 785-794
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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