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Título: Engineering of E-Learning content creation: case study for African countries
Autores/as: Afonso-Suárez, María Dolores 
Pumar Carreras, Maria Nayra 
Ruiz Alzola, Juan 
Clasificación UNESCO: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
58 Pedagogía
Palabras clave: Teaching contents engineering
Blended learning
International cooperation
3DSlicer, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Impulsando la cohesión de las RUPs Macaronésicas mediante una plataforma TIC común para la I+D+i biomédica 
Publicación seriada: World academy of science, engineering and technology (online) 
Conferencia: ICERI 2018: International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation 
Resumen: This research addresses the use of an e-Learning creation methodology for learning objects. Throughout the process, indicators are being gathered, to determine if it responds to the main objectives of an engineering discipline. These parameters will also indicate if it is necessary to review the creation cycle and readjust any phase. Within the project developed for this study, apart from the use of structured methods, there has been a central objective: the establishment of a learning atmosphere. A place where all the professionals involved are able to collaborate, plan, solve problems and determine guides to follow in order to develop creative and innovative solutions. It has been outlined as a blended learning program with an assessment plan that proposes face to face lessons, coaching, collaboration, multimedia and web based learning objects as well as support resources. The project has been drawn as a long term task, the pilot teaching actions designed provide the preliminary results object of study. This methodology is been used in the creation of learning content for the African countries of Senegal, Mauritania and Cape Verde. It has been developed within the framework of the MACbioIDi, an Interreg European project for the International cooperation and development. The educational area of this project is focused in the training and advice of professionals of the medicine as well as engineers in the use of applications of medical imaging technology, specifically the 3DSlicer application and the Open Anatomy Browser.
ISSN: 1307-6892
Fuente: World academy of science, engineering and technology (online) [ISSN 1307-6892], v. 13(4), p. 350-355
Colección:Actas de congresos
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