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Título: Robinsonnade et policier : chronique d'une naissance annoncée
Autores/as: Gérard Lojacono, Florence 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570107 Lengua y literatura
Palabras clave: Robinsonnade
Detective and mystery stories
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Editor/a: Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne 
Resumen: The aim of this collection of papers on the “island crime fiction” is not to create a new, unnecessary ‘island crime novel’ category. It is rather an attempt to identify certain links between the island concept and some salient features peculiar to crime fiction. It is also the occasion to emphasize the close relationships between the history of ‘detective’ genre, and that of spaces and times that have witnessed its emergence, success, sometimes disaffection, or at least both critiques and criticism. Last but not least, it is a chance to consider the relevance of the traditional categories. Indeed, since Todorov, such categories have been delineating diegetic, narrative and practical principles in accordance with the classes of mystery, noir and suspense novels. These seven papers are the initial stage of an upcoming broader reflection on the mysteries related to the island. The papers may have different tones, but they do share a common, unique approach to a theme subjected to both active support and reject.
ISBN: 978-2-84743-190-2
Fuente: Le polar insulaire / sous la direction de Alexandra W. Albertini et Jacques Isolery, p.133-157
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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