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Título: Microplastic ingestion by Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Canary Islands coast
Autores/as: Herrera, A. 
Ŝtindlová, A.
Martínez, I. 
Rapp Cabrera, Jorge
Romero-Kutzner, V. 
Samper, M. D.
Montoto Martínez, Tania 
Aguiar González, Miguel Borja 
Packard, T. 
Gómez, M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Palabras clave: Fish
Marine litter
Canary Current
Plastic pollution
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Bases para la Planificación Sostenible de áreas Marinas en la Macaronesia 
Efecto de la Contaminacion Por Microplasticos en la Biota Marina 
Publicación seriada: Marine Pollution Bulletin 
Resumen: In recent years, due to the increasing concerns about their negative impact on wildlife and possible toxicity to living organisms (including humans), microplastics have become the subject of intense investigations. In the ocean, microplastics can be easily ingested by numerous marine organisms because of their small size (<5 mm). The Northwest African upwelling system is an important fishery area, and the present study is the first one in the region to reveal the presence of microplastic particles in the digestive tract of Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias). From the 120 examined fish gastrointestinal tracts, 78.3% contained some type of microplastics, 74.2% contained fibres, 17.5% plastic fragments, and 16.7% paint. More studies are needed on fish, but S. colias is a candidate for being a good indicator of microplastic contamination in the region.
ISSN: 0025-326X
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.12.022
Fuente: Marine Pollution Bulletin [ISSN 0025-326X], v. 139, p. 127-135
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