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Título: Is the institutional environment a challenge for the well-being of female managers in Europe? The mediating effect of work-life balance and role clarity practices in the workplace
Autores/as: Cuéllar-Molina, Deybbi 
García-Cabrera, Antonia M. 
Lucia-Casademunt, Ana M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 531104 Organización de recursos humanos
Palabras clave: Employee well-being
Human resource practices
Institutional theory
Female managers
European countries
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Resumen: The advancement of women to top management positions positively affects firm competitiveness. However, this advancement may also negatively affect individuals as women find themselves forced to overwork to match their male counterparts in organisations, which can cause a decrease in their professional well-being. Although the literature highlights that human resource practices (HRPs) have a positive impact on well-being, it also warns that national institutions may condition the adoption of HRPs by organisations. If that is true, institutions may become either a challenge toor trigger forfemale managers' well-being. Accordingly, this study analyses the effects of institutions and the mediating effects of HRPs on the influence that is exerted by institutions on well-being. The empirical analysis, which was carried out on a sample of 575 female managers located in 27 European countries, confirms the direct and indirect effects (through HRPs for work-life balance and role clarity) of institutions on female managers' well-being at work.
ISSN: 1661-7827
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15091813
Fuente: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health [ISSN 1661-7827], v. 15 (9), e1813
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