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Title: REST mediates androgen receptor actions on gene repression and predicts early recurrence of prostate cancer
Authors: Svensson, Charlotte
Ceder, Jens
Iglesias-Gato, Diego
Chuan, Yin Choy
Pang, See Tong
Bjartell, Anders
Martinez, Roxana Merino
Bott, Laura
Helczynski, Leszek
Ulmert, David
Wang, Yuzhuo
Niu, Yuanjie
Collins, Colin
Flores-Morales, Amilcar
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: 0305-1048
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research 
ISSN: 0305-1048
DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt921
Source: Nucleic Acids Research[ISSN 0305-1048],v. 42, p. 999-1015
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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