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Título: High prevalence of metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients: A review of the literature
Autores/as: Sánchez-Araña Moreno, Tomás
Touriño González, Rafael
Hernández Fleta, José Luis 
León Pérez, Petra
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 1134-5934
Publicación seriada: Psiquiatria Biologica
Resumen: Schizophrenic patients have a standardized mortality rate that more than doubles the expected rate for the rest of the population. A substantial percentage of the morbidity and mortality in these patients is due to cardiovascular disease. The metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent among schizophrenics and produces a 2-4-fold increase in coronary risk. The objective of the present study was to analyze the few reports published on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients and on the associated sociodemographic, anthropometric, clinical, and psychopharmacological variables. Most reports concur on the high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in schizophrenic patients and, therefore, the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of its components is essential to reduce cardiovascular risk in these individuals.
ISSN: 1134-5934
Fuente: Psiquiatria Biologica[ISSN 1134-5934],v. 13, p. 127-135
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