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Title: Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria Of Mixtures Of Methyl Butanoate + Propan-2-Ol At 74.66, 101.32, And 127.99 Kpa
Authors: Ortega, J 
Susial, P
Keywords: Propanoate Ethanol
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: 0005-9021
Journal: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie 
Abstract: Vapor-Liquid equilibrium data for binary system methyl butanoate + propan-2-ol were measured by a dynamic phase equilibrium apparatus at three different pressures of 74.66, 101.32 and 127.99 kPa. An azeotrope was found at low ester concentration, which decrease with the increase of the working pressure. In all cases studied, p-T-x-y data exhibit a positive consistency being correlated through a suitable equation. Good predictions are obtained by ASOG [1] and UNIFAC [2,3] methods and employing parameters corresponding to different alkanol/ester interactions. The mean overall errors for activity coefficients were smaller than 8% as expected.
ISSN: 0005-9021
Source: Berichte Der Bunsen-Gesellschaft-Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics[ISSN 0005-9021],v. 95 (10), p. 1214-1219
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