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Título: Deep-water macroalgae from the Canary Islands: new records and biogeographical relationships
Autores/as: Haroun, R. J. 
Prud'homme van Reine, W. F.
Müller, D. G.
Serrao, E.
Herrera, R
Clasificación UNESCO: 250501-1 Biogeografía botánica
241705 Biología marina
Palabras clave: Geographical location
Fecha de publicación: 1993
Publicación seriada: Helgolander Meerestuntersuchungen 
Resumen: Due to the geographical location and paleobiogeography of the Canary Islands, the seaweed flora contains macroalgae with different distributional patterns. In this contribution, the biogeographical relations of several new records of deep-water macroalgae recently collected around the Canarian archipelago are discussed. These areBryopsidella neglecta (Berthold) Rietema,Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Meneghini) Hauck,Hincksia onslowensis (Amsler et Kapraun) P. C. Silva,Syringoderma floridana Henry,Peyssonnelia harveyana J. Agardh,Cryptonemia seminervis (C. Agardh) J. Agardh,Botryocladia wynnei Ballantine,Gloiocladia blomquistii (Searles) R. E. Norris,Halichrysis peltata (W. R. Taylor) P. Huvé et H. Huvé,Leptofauchea brasiliensis Joly, andSarcodiotheca divaricata W. R. Taylor. These new records, especially those in the Florideophyceae, support the strong affinity of the Canary Islands seaweed flora with the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic region. Some species are recorded for the first time from the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, enhancing the biogeographic relations of the Canarian marine flora with that of the western Atlantic regions.
ISSN: 0174-3597
DOI: 10.1007/BF02430354
Fuente: Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen [ISSN 0174-3597], v. 47 (2), p. 125-143, (1993)
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