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Título: The automatic meccano method to mesh complex solids
Autores/as: Montenegro Armas, Rafael 
Cascon, J. M.
Escobar Sánchez, José María 
Rodríguez Barrera, Eduardo Miguel 
Montero García, Gustavo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
1206 Análisis numérico
Palabras clave: Triangulations
Generación de mallas, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: SEMNI
Publicación seriada: Lecture notes in engineering and computer science 
Conferencia: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2009) 
Resumen: In this paper, we present significant advances of the novel meccano technique to construct adaptive tetrahedral meshes of 3-D complex solids. Specifically, we will consider a solid whose boundary is a surface of genus 0, i.e. a surface that is homeomorphic to the surface of a sphere. In this particular case, the automatic procedure is defined by a surface triangulation of the solid, a simple meccano composed by one cube and a tolerance that fixes the desired approximation of the solid surface. The main idea is based on an automatic mapping from the cube faces to the solid surface, a 3-D local refinement algorithm and a simultaneous mesh untangling and smoothing procedure. Although the initial surface triangulation can be a poor quality mesh, the meccano technique constructs high quality surface and volume adaptive meshes. A crucial consequence of the new mesh generation technique is the resulting discrete parametrization of a complex volume (solid) to a simple cube (meccano). Several examples show the efficiency of the proposed technique. Future possibilities of the meccano method for meshing a complex solid, whose boundary is a surface of genus greater than zero, are commented.
ISBN: 978-988-18210-2-7
ISSN: 2078-0958
Fuente: WCECS 2009: World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science [ISSN 2078-0958], v. II, p. 955-960, (2009)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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