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Title: Co-evaluation manager focused on groups: a software tool to support student participation in the evaluation process
Authors: Díaz Roca, Margarita 
Rodríguez del Pino, Juan Carlos 
Figueroa, Zenon Hernandez 
Vicente, Cristofer Mateos
UNESCO Clasification: 120310 Enseñanza con ayuda de ordenador
580106 Evaluación de alumnos
120317 Informática
Keywords: Gestor de coevaluación
Evaluación del aprendizaje
Evaluación por pares
Trabajo colaborativo, et al
Issue Date: 2012
Conference: 7th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) 
Abstract: This paper presents the "Gestor de Coevaluación Orientado a Grupos" (GCOG, Co-evaluation Manager Focused on Groups) for Moodle, a software tool to support peer evaluation when the students are organized using Moodle's groups and groupings. The main functionalities of this Moodle module are: a view to edit of co-evaluation questionnaires, a view to show those questionnaires adapted to each group, a view to answer questionnaires, and an action to publish results for each student into the Moodle's grade book. This module saves time when creating activities and calculating results. It is available at the virtual campus for the student to complete the evaluation of their peers from anywhere. It has been used effectively for teacher-student joint assessment of various courses of the Computer Engineering Degree in 2011.
ISBN: 978-989-96247-7-1
ISSN: 2166-0735
Source: 7Th Iberian Conference On Information Systems And Technologies (Cisti 2012) [ISSN 2166-0727]
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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