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Título: Interactive multimedia concept maps: engineering of e-learning tools creation
Autores/as: Afonso Suárez, María Dolores 
Hernandez-Figueroa, Zenon 
Rodríguez, Gustavo 
González Domínguez, José Daniel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120310 Enseñanza con ayuda de ordenador
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: IATED
Conferencia: 3rd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) 
Resumen: The educative content creation methodology exposed shows the different stages of the development process. Interactive multimedia concept maps created have been developed following design principles which turn them into effective learning objects. Amongst their main characteristics we find: modularity, portability, scalability and extensibility. Later this material will be at students’ disposal through Internet. The whole process should be developed according to a methodology that will guarantee an appropriate use of the resources and the achievement of the objectives proposed. The learning tools developed are presented from a new perspective, characterized by the way they are scheduled and developed as well as their interactive and multimedia nature. Combining the e-learning with this type of tools we can help students to understand methods and processes of each knowledge area better. This paper exposes the experience acquired in the creation and distribution of these educative interactive multimedia learning objects: concept maps. They have been developed for subjects of programming languages of various official degrees from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
ISBN: 978- 84-614-2439-9
Fuente: 3Rd International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri2010)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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