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Título: IoT application in the supply chain logistics
Autores/as: Caballero-Gil, C.
Molina-Gil, J.
Caballero-Gil, P.
Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Editor/a: 0302-9743
Publicación seriada: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 
Conferencia: 14th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory (EUROCAST) 
14th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST 2013 
Resumen: Using existing technology, nowadays it is possible to solve, or at least to reduce, most of the possible negative effects caused by the mismanagement of the supply chain process. In such industry, automation in product monitoring and control, inventory, customer relationship management, fleet tracking, etc., is a typical issue dealt by the companies who offer solutions for the individual problems. Transportation and logistics involves the delivery, movement and collection of goods through roads, and in the international case also through ports and airports. Consequently, it usually includes many actors, what complicates their management, efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, time, boundaries, and interdependencies are the main difficulties in a chain supply. Besides, it raises several security challenges due to unintentional errors or intentional attacks. This paper presents a secure system to control the goods from their manufacture until their delivery to the end customer, which makes the work easier for custom authorities and all people responsible for goods in transit. In particular, we describe an innovative solution for the management of the complete supply chain process, which makes use of many different current IoT technologies such as RFID, EPC, Wi-Fi, GPS, QR codes, etc. in a safe and efficient way.
ISBN: 978-3-642-53861-2
ISSN: 0302-9743
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-53862-9-8
Fuente: Moreno-Díaz R., Pichler F., Quesada-Arencibia A. (eds) Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, [ISSN 0302-9743], v. 8112, p. 55-62. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Colección:Actas de congresos
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