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Título: Ultra-dense hot low Z line transition opacity simulations
Autores/as: Sauvan, P
Minguez, E
Gill, JM 
Rodriguez, R
Rubiano, JG 
Martel, P 
Angelo, P
Schott, R
Philippe, F
Leboucher-Dalimier, E
Mancini, R
Calisti, A
Clasificación UNESCO: 220410 Física de plasmas
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Editor/a: 0094-243X
Publicación seriada: AIP Conference Proceedings 
Resumen: In this work two atomic physics models (the IDEFIX code using the dicenter model and the code based on parametric potentials ANALOP) have been used to calculate the opacities for bound‐bound transitions in hot ultra‐dense, low Z plasmas. These simulations are in connection with experiments carried out at LULI during the last two years, focused on bound‐bound radiation. In this paper H‐like opacities for aluminum and fluorine plasmas have been simulated, using both theoretical models, in a wide range of densities and temperatures higher than 200 eV.
ISBN: 0-7354-0100-4
ISSN: 0094-243X
Fuente: AIP Conference Proceedings: Spectral Line Shapes [ISSN 0094-243X], v. 645, p. 352-358
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