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Title: The relationship between colour and chemical composition and IgG level in colostrum
Authors: Arguello, A 
Gines, R
Afonso, A
Capote, J
Robert, A
Lopez, JL
Keywords: Goat
Issue Date: 2000
Publisher: 0071-2477
Journal: EAAP Scientific Series 
Conference: 10th International Symposium on Livestock Production and Climatic Uncertainty in the Mediterranean 
Abstract: This paper aims to establish the relationship between colour, easily obtained with an effective method, and some physic-chemical properties of colostrum. To implement our method 26 goats belonging to the Canary Caprine Group were monitored post-partum (sample 0). During the first five days, ten samples of colostrum were obtained with a 12 hour time period elapsing between each sample-taking. In each colostrum sample, the colour (CIE L*a*b* system), the IgG concentration, the density, the conductivity and the chemical composition were measured. The results show that the b* co-ordinates (positive values indicate yellow-tending tones, negative values representing blue-biased hues) were the best predictors of chemical and immunological composition of colostrum, better even than density. The correlation's coefficients between b* and IgG, % proteins, % lactose, % fat were 0.89, 0.68, -0.70 and 0.71 respectively. Therefore the correlation found can be used as a field method in the early detection of colostrum poor in energy and immunoglobulines.
ISBN: 90-74134-84-X
ISSN: 0071-2477
Source: Livestock Production And Climatic Uncertainty In The Mediterranean[ISSN 0071-2477] (94), p. 129-131
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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