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Title: Spot length and unaided recall in television: Optimizing media planning variables in advertising breaks
Authors: Martín Santana, Josefa Delia 
Reinares-Lara, Pedro
Reinares-Lara, Eva
UNESCO Clasification: 611401 Publicidad
Keywords: Consumer Memory
Serial Position
Recognition, et al
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: Journal of Advertising Research 
Abstract: The purpose of the current study was to analyze both the relationship between spot length and unaided recall in a real-world environment and the direct effect on recall of other advertising break-planning variables. These variables included the position of the break in relation to the television program, the degree of advertising clutter in the break, indicating the break’s duration, the spot’s relative position in the break, and primacy and recency effects. The authors also examined whether, and to what extent, these variables moderate how spot length affects recall, as recall, ultimately, depends on the interaction of all planning variables.
ISSN: 0021-8499
DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2016-035
Source: Journal of Advertising Research [ISSN 0021-8499], v. 56 (3), p. 274-288
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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