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Título: Degradation assessment study for bearings with outer race fault
Autores/as: Henríquez, P. 
Alonso Hernández, Jesús Bernardino 
Ferrer Ballester, Miguel Ángel 
Travieso González, Carlos Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Palabras clave: Bearing
Lempel-Ziv complexity
Wavelet Packet transform
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: International Journal of COMADEM 
Resumen: This paper presents a new methodology for degradation assessment in bearings with outer race fault. The novelty of the paper is the application of the Lempel-Ziv complexity (LZC) to the node of maximal energy from the wavelet package transform of the raw vibration signal. The objective of the paper is to develop a methodology for outer race fault bearing severity assessment and to show how the extracted feature LZC follows monotonically the bearing degradation. The proposed methodology is compared with LZC and kurtosis extracted from the raw vibration signal and with kurtosis extracted from the node with maximal energy.
ISSN: 1363-7681
Fuente: International Journal of COMADEM[ISSN 1363-7681],v. 19, p. 3-10
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actualizado el 07-dic-2024

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