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Título: Analysis of land and marine resources by processing high resolution satellite images
Autores/as: Ibarrola Ulzurrun, Edurne 
Marcello Ruiz, Francisco Javier 
Gonzalo Martin,Consuelo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
Palabras clave: Atmospheric correction and classification
High resolution image
Image pre-processing
Natural resources
Orthorectification, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies 
Conferencia: 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) 
Resumen: In the last decades, there have been a decline in ecosystems natural resources. The objective of the thesis is to develop advanced image processing techniques applied to high resolution remote sensing imagery for the ecosystem conservation. Different pre-processing steps have been applied in order to acquire high quality imagery. The thesis is focused in three ecosystems from Canary Islands where, after an extensive analysis and evaluation, Weighted Wavelet 'à trous' through Fractal Dimension Maps and Fast Intensity Hue Saturation are used in the pansharpening process, then, a RPC model performs the orthorectification and finally, the atmospheric correction is carried out by the 6S algorithm. The final step is to generate marine and terrestrial thematic products using advanced classification techniques for the management of natural resources.
ISBN: 9789899843462
ISSN: 2166-0727
DOI: 10.1109/CISTI.2016.7521459
Fuente: 2016 11th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) [ISSN 2166-0727], Las Palmas, p. 1-4; INSPEC Accession Number: 16178514
Colección:Actas de congresos
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