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Título: Methods for the management of distributed electricity networks using software agents and market mechanisms: A survey
Autores/as: Lopez-Rodriguez, I.
Hernandez-Tejera, Mario 
Lopez, A. Luis
Clasificación UNESCO: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Palabras clave: Dynamic energy management
Electricity market
Intelligent agents
Market clearing
Smart grid
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Electric Power Systems Research 
Resumen: Significant research efforts are being devoted to the development of distributed electricity networks that aim to facilitate the gradual integration of manageable loads and distributed energy resources. These environments are conceived as self-managed, enclosed areas of the distribution network that integrates many of the technologies and information systems that will be part of the future Smart Grid. Both the new scheme and devices are expected to offer users presence in the grid operation so that their preferences and interests are relevant. To this end, the management system has been frequently proposed in form of an electronic market in which producers and consumers exchange energy blocks so that the consumption and production are continuously balanced. As the state of the art reflects, intelligent agents are an suitable technology for building energy management systems in which users participate actively in an intelligent and autonomous manner. This document presents a review of the most relevant works that tackle the safe and effective management of distributed electricity networks through autonomous software agents that negotiate on behalf of customers. This document presents a discussion of the suitability of the most relevant works, highlighting those that are most promising, and identifying the issues that are still necessary to reinforce in future research.
ISSN: 0378-7796
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsr.2016.03.016
Fuente: Electric Power Systems Research [ISSN 0378-7796], v. 136, p. 362-369
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