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Título: The management perception of the strategic outsourcing of services: An empirical examination in the hotel sector
Autores/as: Espino-Rodríguez, Tomás F. 
Robaina, Víctor Padrón 
Palabras clave: Firm
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Editor/a: 0264-2069
Publicación seriada: Service Industries Journal 
Resumen: This work will analyse the strategy of outsourcing, or the predisposition on the part of a firm to entrust some of its services to a third party. The research will focus on discovering empirically the role that this strategy plays in hotels, and in order to do this we will carry out an analysis of hotel managers' perceptions regarding outsourcing based on the main advantages as well as the drawbacks and barriers which using the strategy can involve, with a view to determining which of these are related to a predisposition to outsource. The results of the research suggest that the main reasons which determine outsourcing are of a strategic rather that cost-reducing nature. Despite the fact that although current outsourcing is conditioned by the cost factor alone, any future increase in the use of the strategy will be determined exclusively by factors of a strategic nature. With respect to the disadvantages of outsourcing which tend to limit the use of the strategy, we will see that these are related to loss of control and autonomy together with a distrust of external suppliers. This work will enable us to assess the extent of the existing demand for outsourcing main services as well as those factors which determine and limit the outsourcing strategy and which have prevented a large number of services where outsourcing would be applicable from being outsourced to the present date, Finally we will present our main conclusions and recommendations.
ISSN: 0264-2069
DOI: 10.1080/02642060500101047
Fuente: Service Industries Journal[ISSN 0264-2069],v. 25, p. 689-708
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