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Título: Model of Roberts effect in noisy images : evaluation and quantification
Autores/as: Falcón, A. 
Mendez, J.
Hernandez-Tejera, F. M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
Fecha de publicación: 1985
Conferencia: Proceedings of Melecon '85: Mediterranean Electrochemical Conference.
Resumen: The Roberts effect in noisy quantized images is explained. This effect produces the apparently contradictory fact that a better perceived quality of a quantized picture is obtained when noise is added. It is proposed that this effect is due to the action of a visual spatial filter, which consequently provokes the apparition of Mach bands. An experimental setup has been developed to quantify the model. Results show that the Roberts effect can be well explained by said filtering. An evaluation of the effect in terms of error function is also carried out.
ISBN: 978-0-444-87847-2
Fuente: Proceedings of Melecon '85 : Mediterranean Electrochemical Conference; Madrid, Sp; Code 7922, p. 241-243
Colección:Actas de congresos
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