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Title: Excess molar volumes of (ethyl formate or ethyl acetate + an isomer of hexanol) at 298.15 K
Authors: Ortega, J. 
Matos, J. S.
Paz Andrade, M. I.
Jimenez, E.
UNESCO Clasification: 2213 Termodinámica
Issue Date: 1985
Journal: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 
Abstract: Excess molar volumes VmE were determined over the entire composition range at 298.15 K for ethyl formate or ethyl acetate + hexan-1-ol, +2-methylpentan-1-ol, +3-methylpentan-2-ol, +2-methylpentan-3-ol, +3-methylpentan-3-ol, +2-methylpentan-2-ol, +4-methyl-pentan-2-ol, and +hexan-2-ol. Excess volumes were determined from density measurements made with a vibrating-tube densimeter. The VmE values were all positive, decreasing with the n value of the ester: Cn-1H2n-1CO2C2H5.
ISSN: 0021-9614
DOI: 10.1016/0021-9614(85)90039-4
Source: The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics [ISSN 0021-9614], v. 17 (12), p. 1127-1132 (Enero 1985)
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