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Title: Excess molar enthalpies at 298.15 K of (an n-alkyl formate + an n-alkanol) I
Authors: Lopez, M.
Paz-Andrade, M. I.
Fernandez, J.
Rodriguez-Nuñez, E.
Ortega, J. 
UNESCO Clasification: 2213 Termodinámica
Issue Date: 1986
Journal: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 
Abstract: The excess molar enthalpy HmE has been determined using a Calvet microcalorimeter as a function of mole fraction x at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure for the eight mixtures {xHCO2(CH2)3CH3 + (1 − x)CnH2n+1OH}(l) (n = 3 to 10). All these mixtures exhibit a positive HmE which increases quasi-regularly with increasing size of the alkyl group of the alkanol. The results indicate the presence of specific interactions. A qualitative interpretation of the results is presented.
ISSN: 0021-9614
DOI: 10.1016/0021-9614(86)90012-1
Source: The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics [ISSN 0021-9614], v. 18 (11), p. 1003-1006, (1986)
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