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Title: Advantages of model driven engineering for studying complex systems
Authors: Évora Gómez, José 
Hernández Cabrera, José Juan 
Hernandez, Mario 
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Keywords: Agent based model
Electrical system
Domestic load curve simulation
Residential demand
Demand side management, et al
Issue Date: 2015
Project: Framework Para la Simulación de la Gestión de Mercado y Técnica de Redes Eléctricas Insulares Basado en Agentes Inteligentes. Caso de la Red Eléctrica de Gran Canaria. 
Journal: Natural Computing 
Abstract: The evaluation of the emergent behaviour in complex systems requires an analytical framework which allows the observation of different phenomena that take place at different levels. In order to observe the dynamics of complex systems, it is necessary to perform simulations so that both local and the emergent behaviour can be observed. To this end, the way in which complex system simulators are built must be examined so that it will be feasible to model large scale scenarios. In this paper, the use of Model Driven Engineering methodology is proposed to deal with this issue. Among other benefits, it is shown that this methodology allows the representation and simulation of a complex system providing support for the analysis. This analysis is supported by a metamodel which describes the system components that are under study. The application of this methodology to the development of large scale simulators is explored through a case study. This case study analyses a complex socio-technical system: a power grid.
ISSN: 1567-7818
DOI: 10.1007/s11047-014-9469-y
Source: Natural Computing [ISSN 1567-7818], v. 14 (1), p. 129-144
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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