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Title: Screening newborns for candidate biomarkers of type 1 diabetes
Authors: McGuire, James N.
Eising, Stephanie
Wägner, Ana M. 
Pociot, Flemming
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
2302 Bioquímica
Keywords: Biomarkers
Issue Date: 2010
Journal: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry 
Abstract: Combining samples from a national neonatal screening programme with the information from a national health registry allow for unique opportunities in analysing newborn blood for protein changes that could predict eventual disease development. A nested case-control cohort (n=54 cases, 108 controls) was analysed by proteomics as a new way of looking for biomarkers that could bolster prediction of T1D risk in newborns. Protein extraction and haemoglobin depletion were automated and samples were processed and analysed by surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS). The data set was reduced to the highest quality peaks and analysed using conditional logistic regression. A total of 25 protein peaks were found to differ between the two groups. The automated haemoglobin depletion provides a platform for further proteomics studies of individual patient material. The method opens a door to a wealth of patient material stored as dried blood spots.
ISSN: 1381-3455
DOI: 10.3109/13813455.2010.501801
Source: Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry[ISSN 1381-3455],v. 116(4-5), p. 227-232
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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