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Title: Influence of dietary polar lipids' quantity and quality on ingestion and assimilation of labelled fatty acids by larval gilthead seabream
Authors: Izquierdo, M. S. 
Tandler, A.
Salhi, M.
Kolkovski, S.
UNESCO Clasification: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Keywords: Assimilation
Fatty acids
Phospholipids, et al
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: 1353-5773
Journal: Aquaculture Nutrition 
Abstract: Dietary supplementation of phospholipids seems to be extremely important to promote growth and survival in fish larvae. Several studies also suggest the importance of n‐3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) rich phospholipids to further enhance larval performance. In the present study, four different diets were formulated in order to compare the effect of total dietary polar lipid contents, of soya bean lecithin supplementation and of feeding n‐3 HUFA in the form of neutral or polar lipids on ingestion and incorporation of labelled fatty acids in gilthead seabream larvae. These diets were prepared including radiolabelled fatty acids from palmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, glycerol trioleate, free oleic acid (FOA) and free eicosapentaenoic acid (FEPA) and were fed to 25 day‐old larvae. The results of these experiments showed that the elevation of the dietary polar lipid levels significantly improved microdiet ingestion, regardless of the origins of the polar lipids. This effect caused an improved incorporation of phosphatidylcholine fatty acids to the larval polar and total lipids (TL) as the dietary polar lipids increased. Nevertheless, a better incorporation of fatty acids from dietary polar lipids in comparison with that of fatty acids from dietary triglycerides into larval lipids was found in gilthead seabream, whereas a better utilization of dietary triglycerides fatty acids than dietary free fatty acids could also be observed. Besides, the presence of n‐3 HUFA rich neutral lipids (NL) significanlty increased the absorption efficiency of labelled oleic acid from dietary triglycerides, but the presence of n‐3 HUFA rich polar lipids, particularly improved the incorporation of FEPA. This fatty acid was preferentially incorporated into larval polar lipids in comparison with FOA.
ISSN: 1353-5773
DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2095.2001.00165.x
Source: Aquaculture Nutrition [ISSN 1353-5773], v. 7, p. 153-160
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