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Title: Maximum wave height distribution in a sea state: Effects of record length and spectral peakedness
Authors: Rodríguez, Germán 
Pacheco, Mercedes 
Guedes Soares, C.
UNESCO Clasification: 2510 Oceanografía
Keywords: Ocean waves
Gaussian distribution
Numerical analysis
Offshore installations
Structural engineering
Issue Date: 2005
Journal: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 
Abstract: The probability distribution of the maximum wave height in a sea state is examined in terms of the spectral peakedness and the sea state duration. The study is based on the analysis of numerically simulated Gaussian wave records with given target spectra to fulfill the long duration and stationarity jointly required conditions, seldom found in nature. Results indicate a clear dependence of the probability distribution structure and location on the record length and the spectral shape.
ISSN: 0892-7219
DOI: 10.1115/1.2073113
Source: Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering [ISSN 0892-7219], v. 127, p. 340-344
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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