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Título: The red ACOMAR canarias network
Autores/as: Barrera, Carlos
Llinás Gonzalez, Octavio 
Rueda, Maria José 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
33 Ciencias tecnológicas
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 0093-3651
Publicación seriada: Sea Technology 
Resumen: Red ACOMAR joins other autonomous instrumentation currently deployed in the area: the Spanish Deep Water Moored Buoy Network: the oceanic moorings of the Operational Data Transmissions in the Ocean and Lateral Acoustic Net work-1 surface buoy unit; the Marine Environment and security for the European Area projects; the World Ocean Circulation Experiment/Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere drifters, satellites and monitoring coastal stations; and the European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean Canary Islands. The meteorological sensors (wind speed and direction, compass, air temperature, solar radiation, humidity and air pressure), the communication (global system IOr mobile(GSM)) and positioning system (global positioning system (GPS)), the photovoltaic module and the autonomous light beacon are all main elements supported in the above-water part of the buoy.
ISSN: 0093-3651
Fuente: Sea Technology [ISSN 0093-3651],v. 47, n. 12, p. 47-51
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