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Título: Evaluation of mean echogenicity of tendons and ligaments of the metacarpal region in neonatal foals: A preliminary study
Autores/as: Spinella, G.
Loprete, G.
Castagnetti, C.
Musella, V.
Antonelli, C.
Vilar, J. M. 
Britti, D.
Capitani, O.
Valentini, S.
Palabras clave: Digital Flexor Tendons
Cross-Sectional Area
Ultrasonographic Tissue Characterization
Equine Tendons
Horses, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0034-5288
Publicación seriada: Research in Veterinary Science 
Resumen: The aims of this research were to evaluate mean echogenicity (ME) of the deep and superficial digital flexor tendons (DDFT and SDFT), the interosseous muscle (IM), and the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon (ALDDFT) of the metacarpal region in neonatal foals, and determine the effect of sex, side and body weight on this quantitative ultrasonographic evaluation. Thirteen orthopedically sound neonatal foals were examined. Four areas of study (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B) were identified. Transverse scans of the DDFT, SDFT, IM and ALDDFT were obtained, recorded, and analyzed. The most echogenic structures were the ALDDFT and DDFT, while the SDFT was significantly less echogenic than all other structures (P < 0.05). No influence of sex, forelimb, or body weight was observed. The echogenicity of the tenodesmic structures of foals partially overlapped that reported in the metacarpal region in adult horses, except for IM. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0034-5288
DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2015.05.011
Fuente: Research in Veterinary Science[ISSN 0034-5288],v. 101, p. 11-14
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