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Título: The Spanish experience with hand, forearm, and arm transplantation
Autores/as: Cavadas, Pedro C.
Landin, Luis
Thione, Alessandro
Rodríguez-Pérez, Jose C. 
Garcia-Bello, Miguel A.
Ibañez, Javier
Vera-Sempere, Francisco
Garcia-Cosmes, Pedro
Alfaro, Luis
Rodrigo, Jose D.
Castro, Federico
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
321314 Cirugía de los trasplantes
Palabras clave: Hand transplant
Forearm transplant
Arm transplant
Composite tissue allograft
DASH, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Publicación seriada: Hand Clinics 
Resumen: This article summarizes the findings from 3 recipients of hand allografts, including a description of the preparatory surgery and the transplant and secondary procedures to enhance the function of the hand, forearm, and arm allografts. The study focuses on the complications and disability reported by each patient, with a minimum follow-up of 2 years. The few complications were controlled successfully with medical treatment. Hand transplantation is a major reconstructive procedure that requires careful medical follow-up. The authors provide the first report of a significant improvement in disabilities of the upper limb as a result of hand allotransplantation.
ISSN: 0749-0712
DOI: 10.1016/j.hcl.2011.08.002
Fuente: Hand clinics [0749-0712],v. 27(4), p. 443-453 +VIII (Octubre 2011)
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