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Título: Efficiency of the reverse-flow filter technique for concentration of particulate matter
Autores/as: Holm-Hansen, O.
Packard, T. T. 
Pomeroy, L.R.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2302 Bioquímica
230331 Química del agua
Fecha de publicación: 1970
Editor/a: 0024-3590
Publicación seriada: Limnology and Oceanography 
Resumen: The efficiency of the technique for concentrating particulate material from natural water samples by a hydrostatically driven upward flow of water through a membrane filter has been examined by quantitative determination of various chemical constituents before and after concentration. There was no evidence of killing or inactivation of live cells during concentration. This method of concentrating particulate matter for studies on cellular activities seems to be satisfactory if corrections are made for losses of cells adhering to the filter.
ISSN: 0024-3590
DOI: 10.4319/lo.1970.15.5.0832
Fuente: Limnology and Oceanography [ISSN 0024-3590], v. 15, p. 832-835
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