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Título: Particulate protein-nitrogen in North Atlantic surface waters
Autores/as: Packard, T. T. 
Dortch, Q.
Clasificación UNESCO: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
Fecha de publicación: 1975
Editor/a: 0025-3162
Publicación seriada: Marine Biology 
Resumen: Depth profiles of particulate protein-nitrogen at 4 oceanic and 2 upwelling stations in the North Atlantic Ocean were measured by a new fluorometric method. The protein-nitrogen in the upper 20 m ranged from 0.19 to 1.61 μg-at N/1 at the oceanic stations and from 0.43 to 3.54 μg-at/1 at the upwelling stations. The mean values in the euphotic zone were 0.54 μg-at N/1 for the oceanic stations and 1.70 μg-at N/1 for the upwelling stations. The ratio of protein-nitrogen to chlorophyll at the two sets of stations was 2.83 and 0.54 μg-at N/μg chlorophyll, respectively. Regression analysis of the pooled data yielded a detritus and zooplankton-free ratio of 0.38 μg-at N:μg chlorophyll. Calculations of the phytoplankton protein-nitrogen, based on this ratio, suggest that in the oceanic water only 20% of the sestonic protein-nitrogen is associated with the phytoplankton. In the upwelling waters, the phytoplankton may account for 65% of the sestonic proteinnitrogen.
ISSN: 0025-3162
DOI: 10.1007/BF00390573
Fuente: Marine Biology [ISSN 0025-3162], v. 33, p. 347-354
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