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Título: Trace elements in chronic alcoholism
Autores/as: Navarro Rodríguez, María del Carmen 
Sosa Henriquez, M. 
Font De Mora Turon, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3212 Salud pública
Palabras clave: Alcoholismo
Fecha de publicación: 1986
Publicación seriada: Trace Elements in Medicine 
Resumen: To determine the influence of alcoholism and of alcoholic hepatic disease in the metabolism of some trace elements (Cu, Zn, Mg, Mn and Fe) their seric, urinary and fecal levels were studied in three groups of alcoholic patients with different degrees of hepatic disease: Group I (without hepatic damage), Group II (non-cirrhotic diseases) and Group III (hepatic cirrhosis). The control group was made up of sixty-six healthy non-alcoholic males. Hypozincemia (Group I: 32.4, Group II: 30.6, Group III: 23.6 and control group: 120 μg/dl) and hyperzincuria (Group I: 1112, Group II: 1176, Group III: 1900 and control group: 570 μg/24 h) were seen independently of whether the patient were suffering from some form of hepatic illness. A greater fecal excretion of zinc was detected in the cirrhotic group (Group III: 1614 and control group: 1000 μg/24 h). All the alcoholics showed hypercupruria (Group I: 160, Group II: 244, Group III: 169 and control group: 60 μgr/24 h), but hypocupremia appeared only in the cirrhotic group (Group III: 75.5 and control group: 100 μg/dl). As regards magnesium, we found no differences between the different groups of alcoholics and the control group. Hypersideremia was detected in all the groups under study (Group I: 191, Group II: 168.5, Group III: 151.7, and control group: 100 μg/dl) coexisting with a low fecal excretion of iron (Group I: 250, Group II: 155, Group III: 144 and control group 800 μg/24 h). Fecal elimination of manganese was found to be greater in the cirrhotic patients (Group III: 191 and control group: 160 μg/24 h).
ISSN: 0174-7371
Fuente: Trace Elements in Medicine [ISSN 0174-7371], v. 3 (4), p. 164-167, (1986)
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